Empowering Intrapreneurship
We are passionate about enabling teams to think and act like entrepreneurs, using the latest tools and methodologies available.
How we think and act
Pragmatic – Enthusiastic – Honest, while using Lean Startup
Evidence based Innovation
Run experiments to help achieve your business goals. Collaborate, do customer interviews and replace the guesswork with evidence based data.
Empowering Teams
Continuously improve, increase the speed of learning, reduce risk and gain confidence in building products and services people actually want.
Entrepreneurial Action
Change your mindset. Learn faster from your experiments, prioritise and focus on what’s important, increase the impact.
How do we work?
We help your organisation learn to adopt a “Make → Ship → Learn → Iterate” approach to all work, combined with a rigorous weekly rhythm of shipping and reflecting.

This speeds up the ability to learn faster and embed true customer understanding in all parts of the organisation.
Eventually translating the learnings into a new mindset, operating principles, and social habits that drive sustainable change. This is were were we excel! We help you seed and spread change through impactfull coaching and immersive workshops, co-creating customized programs that fit the needs for cultural change.
A taste of our portfolio and customers

Facilitation of Innovation Bootcamps and Masterclasses

Facilitation of Innovation Bootcamps and Masterclasses

Sparking Lean Startup Thinking (Top 300 innovators)

Internal Accelerator Coaching

Startup Accelarator Coaching

Lean Startup Coaching for Product Development
Dutch Lean Startup Circle
HIIL – Justice Accelerator
VG Hackathon 2017 en 2018 (30 Teams)
Summit Hosting
High Tech Capitol Summit
Train The Trainer Lean Startup Coaches
Digital Hub Aachen
Our Skills

Teamwork & Leadership

Innovation Ecosystem

Lean Startup

Culture Change
Our company develops corporate innovation programs, designed to speed up the way your teams develop new products and services, learning faster what customers actually want.
Let's Start The Change Today
Just give us a call!
Bieremalaan 11
2497 AW Den Haag
Chamber of Commerce 71507493
VAT NL858741829B01
© 2020
Otto +31625006909
Vincent +31639479709